November 18-22, 2019
Celebrate International Education Week in Canada.
International Education Week (IEW) is celebrated worldwide every third week of November. Our celebrations here in Canada coincide with those held in over 100 countries around the globe.
What is International Education Week?
IEW has been celebrated since 2000, showcasing the impact that international education has in preparing students for the world and supports international engagement efforts. It is a reflection of the spirit of cooperation and collaboration among various stakeholders across Canada to join forces to highlight the importance of international education. Activities undertaken by individuals, schools, colleges, universities, associations, businesses, governments, and nongovernmental organizations will help to strengthen the understanding of international education and its importance.
Home for the Holidays
CBIE offered an international student the chance to travel home for the holidays by covering the cost of a round trip ticket to the student’s home country over the winter study break.
Phong Tran of Fanshawe College was the lucky winner of the Home for the Holidays Video Contest.

“One lesson that China has taught me: Everything that people from other cultures do is part of THEIR culture and it comes from somewhere; there is a reason behind it. The same way we do things and the others will find it weird. It is not because we live in the West that our behaviors are the norm. In fact, we are all different and that’s what makes our world interesting. With my experience in China, I learned that I have to always ask questions in order to understand why people do certain things in a certain way.
– Abdullah El-Safadi, Zhangjiajie, China
“This May, I travelled to Taiwan to conduct field research with the Indigenous peoples that live there. This photo was taken of my colleagues on our first weekend, shortly after arriving to home of the Indigenous elder who would take us in. As Canada faces its own issues surrounding reconciliation, this experience taught me about the global nature of colonialism and reminded me how important it is to learn from foreign friends if reconciliation is to occur. As our Indigenous friends opened their hearts and their homes to us, I could truly feel healing occurring on both sides.”
– Aislinn Gallivan, Taiwan

“Being dropped in a foreign country with a foreign language and culture and trying to survive on your own while going to school. This required major adaptability. But now I feel like I can do anything! I can adapt to any situation in life or at work and my confidence has never been higher!”
– Austin Castellanos, Montserrat, Spain
“Learning abroad has helped me develop an appreciation for being young. Every time I reached a summit, jumped into a new lake or body of water, or even found mutual interests with a new international friend- It hits me how young I am. In every living and breathing moment we live through, we will never be as young as we are in this moment. From this, it has shown me to have a greater appreciation for what I have but also challenge me to further discover what my youth has to offer.”
– Tiffany Rioflorido, New Zealand

“It opens your eyes to a world of differences, gives you life experience, appreciate the things you take advantage of in Canada, lets you see how others do things differently, gives you the opportunity to see the culture and not just the tourist side.”
– Danielle Levesque, Milford Sound, New Zealand
“Before Alaska, I was just studying the northern environment. Living in Alaska, I was living the northern environment. The place pushed me to learn more than I thought possible about the land, the people and the North. The value I put on my degree has been exponentially heightened, as Alaska allowed me to be in a apart of the nature and places I read about everyday.”
– Michaela Pye, Fairbanks, Alaska

“While abroad, I constantly learned about perspective. I met people with diverse backgrounds, passions, and goals, ultimately helping me solidify my own dreams. Consequently, I’ve also learned that it’s common -and alright- to disagree with people, and how to do so respectively. On our paths through life, there’s going to hurdles. They may be people with clashing interests, they may be unavoidable circumstances, they may even be internal conflicts. Remember to look forward to what’s on the other side of the seemingly endless uphill mountain peek. It’s what makes life, life.
– Sean Martin, Tongariro National Park, New Zealand
“I would lie if I’d say that going to study abroad has changed my life, but it changed me in ways I never expected. It made me more resourceful and willing to experience and try new things. I developed my social skills and made a bunch of new friends from all over the world! I use these new skills in my everyday life, now that I’m back home.”
– Alexis Trudel, Brugge Belgium

“Studying abroad changed my worldview. I met the most amazing people around the world from different backgrounds. Seeing the beautiful people in all the countries was eye opening and showed how blessed I am to be raised the way I was.”
– Kavan Kamboz, Christchurch, New Zealand
Featured Student Blogs
Read stories from international students studying in Canada and abroad
65th session of the Commission on the Status on Women

Responding to COVID-19 in the education sector in Sierra Leone

“A Class of Public Servants”

The New Face of Public Service: Transformation and Going Digital

Improving healthcare provision: Lessons from my summer internship

Honouring Nelson Mandela’s Commitment to Social Justice and Equity

Partner organizations and diplomatic community celebrate African Leaders of Tomorrow

Studying abroad through Erasmus Mundus