Become a Member

CBIE is a national, non-profit association dedicated to supporting Canadian education institutions through advocacy, capacity building and connections, helping institutions achieve their internationalization goals.

For current member inquiries, contact us at [email protected]

Why Join CBIE?

CBIE members benefit from being part of a broad community of international education professionals across all levels of education in Canada, including school boards, cégeps, private institutes, language schools, colleges and universities. As a CBIE member, all administrators and faculty of your institution can access benefits.

Virtual Member Community
Professional Learning Communities, job postings, resources and networking with 1000+ IE professionals

Insights and Data
Curated information on IE trends and perspectives, access to student mobility data to inform decision-making at your institution

Professional Learning & Events
40-50% discounts on the national conference, live virtual events, online courses and on-demand webinars

Coordinated National Voice
Opportunity to add your voice to the dialogue advancing decision- and policy-making affecting IE in Canada

Recognition & Bursaries
Awards program to recognize professional achievements and access to bursary programs for conference attendance

Global Partnership Network
Access to match-making events to expand collaboration with institutions and governments worldwide

Membership Categories & Criteria

All members must maintain Edu-Canada brand eligibility and adhere to CBIE’s Code of Ethical Practice. Members are required to advise CBIE of any changes with respect to EduCanada brand eligibility status.

Institutional Category
This category includes publicly funded Canadian higher education institutions and school boards that are Edu-Canada brand eligible. Institutional members pay fees and receive multiple votes at the Annual General Assembly, based on the number of FTEEs.

Associate Category
This category includes Canadian language schools,  private K-12 schools and private higher education institutions that are Edu-Canada brand eligible. Associate members pay fees based on FTEEs and receive one vote at the Annual General Assembly.

Code of Ethical Practice

Membership Fees

Member categories for institutions and associates (except school boards) are based on full-time equivalent enrolment (FTEE), which is the total of full-time enrolment plus part-time prorated to full-time equivalent.  All memberships renew annually on April 1st. Fees for new members will be prorated for the first year based on when they join.

Categories Institutional Associate
Up to 5,000 FTEE $5,000 $4,500
5,001 to 10,000 FTEE $7,500 $7,000
10,001 to 25,000+ FTEE $10,000 $9,500
Public School Boards $1,500

Please note: new member applications will be reviewed before approval by CBIE, so membership will be pending until approved.