October 20-22, 2016 The Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) is organizing an International Conference on Legal Empowerment as part of the Quality and Accessible Legal Aid (QALA) in Ukraine... read more →
CBIE IN EVENTS CBIE at NAFSA CBIE was honoured at this year’s NAFSA Conference (May 30 – June 3) in Denver Colorado for its 50th Anniversary year. CBIE President Karen... read more →
The International Network of Tomorrow’s Leaders (INTL), a professional learning community of CBIE, is pleased to announce that we will be awarding fourteen (14) conference bursaries to attend CBIE’s Annual... read more →
As part of its recently launched International Collaboration Mission Series, CBIE is pleased to announce that a collaboration mission to Vietnam will be conducted in October 2016. CBIE’s collaboration mission... read more →
Exploring diversity, language, and social justice in an International Summer Institute Stereotypes are strange things. They portray people, communities, contexts, and life; all in an oversimplified way, which dismisses the... read more →
What are the top reasons international students choose Canada? How satisfied are they with their experience? What are the main countries of origin of international students in Canada? To shed... read more →
THANK YOU TO OUR MEMBERS! CBIE's Education Abroad Student Survey A big thank you to the 35 post-secondary institutions across all 10 provinces who participated in Canada’s Global Engagement Challenge:... read more →
Call for Expressions of Interest Date: November 16-19, 2016 Location: National Capital Region, Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec Cost: In-kind support As a key feature of CBIE’s 50th Annual Conference... read more →
Ottawa, June 8, 2016: In celebration of its 50th year, CBIE is pleased to launch a new website. A key feature is a congratulatory message from CBIE’s Patron, the Right... read more →
The Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Canada (TECO) has requested CBIE assistance with the selection process for Canadian participants an International Seminar On Youth Public... read more →