The internationalization of education can be defined as the process of integrating international, intercultural, and global dimensions and perspectives into the purpose, functions and delivery of education. It shapes institutional values, influences external relations and partnerships, and impacts upon the entire educational enterprise (see CBIE’s website for further details on internationalization definitions.
Additionally, internationalization aims to educate students as global citizens, including attributes of openness to and understanding of other worldviews, empathy for people with different backgrounds and experience to oneself, the capacity to value diversity, and respect for indigenous peoples and knowledge.
Given the imperative of international education in the twenty-first century, CBIE’s Internationalization Leaders Network (ILN) believes that a statement of principles is necessary during a time of unprecedented globalization and international mobility, where the growth of international education is being driven by a mixture of cultural, educational, economic and philanthropic factors.
The ILN further believes that this statement of principles will be supportive of excellence in the policy and practice of internationalization at Canadian institutions. While these principles are applicable to all educational establishments, it is recognized that they will apply differently depending upon the academic mission of individual institutions.
Read the principles here: Internationalization Statement of Principles for Canadian Educational Institutions