Health, real, whole health, includes positive mental health. But thriving through the everyday stresses of life can be difficult for students –particularly so for international students who face additional strains to mental wellbeing.
You have an opportunity to make a difference:
Because leaving home and navigating a new world of “adulthood” is hard.
Because international students deal with many stressors, from navigating a new culture to possible financial limitations to language/vernacular issues.
Because, living so far away from family and other support systems, international students may be particularly vulnerable to mental health challenges.
Because cultural differences may mean that speaking about mental wellness is simply not done, and international students may not seek or receive mental health support.
Because young people are notoriously open to new ideas – students are a perfect population to target health messages regarding lifestyle choices and notions that de-stigmatize mental illness.
International students face a number of stressors and CBIE research has shown that they feel isolated, face discrimination and do not have many Canadian friends. But our research has also shown that they love studying in Canada and are open to new ideas. This means that they are likely well positioned to respond positively to mental health interventions; interventions which can have lasting effects on their lives.
So, will you # GETLOUD?
CMHA’s Mental Health Week is May 2-8, 2016
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