Canada-Vietnam University
Partnership Mission

Ho Chi Minh City & Hanoi

October 10-13, 2023

Registration Closed


The Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) in Vietnam and the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) are co-organizing a series of partnership events in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi between Canadian and Vietnamese universities.

The events, celebrating the 50th anniversary of Canadian diplomatic relations with Vietnam, aim to explore and expand opportunities for the Canadian international education sector in Vietnam – Canada’s largest ASEAN trading partner and priority country of the Canadian International Education Strategy.


Participation in the planned activities will offer the following opportunities for participating universities:

  • Exposure to the latest educational partnership opportunities in Vietnam
  • Visits to potential partner Vietnamese universities
  • Creation of new relationships in Vietnam or building on existing ones
  • Showcasing Canadian expertise and eagerness to establish strong international partnerships

Terms and Conditions


The mission targets up to 60 representatives from up to 40 institutions. More than one person per institution can attend the event; however, the primary target is the senior representative with the authority to negotiate partnership agreements. A second institutional representative may be able to attend depending on space availability.

Registration will remain open until July 31, 2023. After the registration closes, we will confirm all registrants and communicate more information (including updates on space availability for second institutional representatives).

B2B Registration

In early September 2023, an online platform will be open for the delegates registered for the mission to register for B2B meetings with Vietnamese universities.

Travel Expenses

Each participating institution will be directly responsible for booking international (Canada-Vietnam) and domestic (Ho Chi Minh City-Hanoi) flights for its representative as well as accommodation arrangements in Vietnam.

CanExport Reimbursement

CBIE member institutions can access funding through the CanExport Associations program of Global Affairs Canada to help offset travel costs. Only one person per institution can qualify for this funding. In order to benefit from the grant awarded to CBIE by CanExport, each institution must meet the following guidelines:

  1. Ensure that the tickets purchased are economy class tickets and for the straight route (without any additional stops/legs/destinations for non-CBIE-related purposes. Please note that layovers or stops are acceptable when they are for securing a more economical price). CanExport Associations will not approve reimbursement for the cost of business or first-class airfare.
    • In cases where airfare is booked in other class than the economy straight route airfare, please obtain a hard copy quote of what the corresponding economy straight route airfare would be for the same airline (and flights if possible), travel days and dates, and destination as the purchased airfare. The traveler should obtain this hard copy quote on the same day that the actual fare is purchased;
    • If your institution does not obtain a corresponding quote on the same day as the actual fare is purchased, please contact the airline and seek the corresponding quote. If the airline cannot provide the corresponding quote, please obtain a comparative economy straight route airfare quote for the same airline, travel days, and destinations, and with the same amount of advanced booking as the airfare already purchased. Airfare rates during busy travel periods (i.e. holidays, major conferences or sporting events, etc.) cannot be used for comparative direct economy airfares.
  2. Provide CBIE with all the following receipts:
    • Four-night accommodation
    • Airfare receipt or equivalent quote

Draft Program

Date Location Agenda Item
October 10 Ho Chi Minh City Roundtable discussion with education stakeholders, sharing of good practices

B2B Matchmaking between Canadian and Vietnamese institutions

October 11 Ho Chi Minh City Group institutional visits to 2-3 public and private Vietnamese universities
October 12 Hanoi Roundtable discussion with education stakeholders, sharing of good practices

B2B matchmaking between Canadian and Vietnamese universities

October 13 Hanoi Group institutional visits to 2-3 public and private Vietnamese universities

The full mission program will become available in mid-September 2023.

All participating Canadian and Vietnamese institutions will also be asked to produce a one-page institutional profile. The profiles will be uploaded to an online B2B platform.

For further information, contact us at