
“CBIE events and PLCs provide an excellent opportunity to meet with and learn from colleagues across the country.  Perhaps CBIE’s greatest value is this ability to bring together professionals from across the sector to engage in open, productive and respectful dialogue.”

Marc Usunier, University of Saskatchewan


“I have found CBIE to be a valuable source of information and a way to build a network of colleagues.  I have also been inspired by the work done by CBIE globally through CIDA supported programming.”

Catherine Fisher, University of Calgary


“CBIE has meant many things to my institution over the years: as an advocate for international student immigration policy, a source of high quality sponsored students, and a forum for connecting with colleagues – but in recent years its most valued contribution has been  CBIE’s support for the new generation of international educators in Canada. I have observed tremendous growth in the professional skills of my staff from CBIE’s attention to our emerging leaders in the field and this will have a lasting impact on international education in Canada.”

Sonja Knutson, Memorial University of Newfoundland


“I have come to depend on CBIE to help position me within a recognized profession and to establish international education as an integral part of post-secondary education.”

Alison Cummings, Queen’s University


“CBIE has been the way I have developed my internationalization professional network.  It has made all the difference!”

Clayton Smith, University of Windsor


“CBIE has been a source of leadership, inspiration and support for professionals in international education for decades. We value the friendly and open-minded communication with all colleagues in CBIE. Their insights and their readiness to support our work have provided a valuable source of support for us at the university-level.”

Britta Baron, University of Alberta


“I learnt a lot through the CBIE conference from my peers. The email listserv is a great place to exchange information and ideas. The annual conference is a great event to interact with my peers from other universities. I have learnt a lot from them.”

Jinghua Nie Memorial University of Newfoundland


“CBIE is a great community for me as a relatively new student adviser to hear feedback and experience from credible  and experienced professionals working with international populations. Through the online feeds, I can easily gain a relative accurate picture of possible factors/ challenges that may impact international students’ experience in Canada.”

Amy Chen, University of Victoria


“I worked with CBIE representatives on the Brazil Science Without Borders program. I appreciated the knowledge and professionalism of this relationship. It was a treat to work with our partners at CBIE.”

Scott Robinson, University of Calgary


“CBIE has facilitated many international opportunities for the University of Northern British Columbia and we appreciate your professional supports.”

Sylvester Chen, university of North British Columbia


“This has been the best place to assist me in growing as a professional and increasing my passion for International Education.”

Martha Mathurin, University of Regina