Western Regional Meeting

Thank you to our colleagues at Manitoba Council for International Education and the Red River College Polytechnic, for their leadership and contribution to advancing international education in the province. 

About This Event

The Manitoba Council for International Education (MCIE) hosted CBIE’s 2024 Western Regional Meeting at Red River College Polytechnic. This event focused on the future of international education through a series of sessions, roundtables and networking activities. 

CBIE would like to thank MCIE and each of the organizing committee members for their hard work. We would also like to thank the presenters and participants, as this event cannot be successful without your participation.

The Manitoba Council for International Education (MCIE) is proud to have hosted the CBIE Western Regional Meeting held in Winnipeg in May 2024. Bringing together our member institutions to plan and execute the event was both a great learning experience for the MCIE membership and an opportunity to bring a Western Canadian perspective to a Manitoba hosted event. With the help and support of CBIE, we attracted over 150 participants to network and learn, and to showcase the Indigenous heritage of our province, particularly in the venue: the Manitou a bi Bii daziigae building of the Red River College Polytechnic Exchange Campus.

– Cheryl Prokopanko, Executive Director, MCIE

Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors

Guard.Me International Insurance

Thank You to Our Organizing Committee

Alex Coutu, St. James-Assinoboia School Division
Alexandra Humphries, St. James-Assinoboia School Division
Anna Lee, Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology
Ashley Dunlop, University of Winnipeg
Bryan Meng, Red River College Polytechnic
Cheryl Prokopanko, Manitoba Council for International Education
Georgine Van de Mosselear, Booth University College
Eddy Lau, Red River College Polytechnic

Ismail Hussein, Providence University College
Marlo Hudson, International College of Manitoba
Meagan Halowaty-Essar, Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology
Michelle Romuld, University of Manitoba
Robert Daudet, International College of Manitoba
Sophie Jodouin, Canadian Bureau for International Education