The Canadian Consortium for International Education (CCIE) is a group of five national education associations representing more than 500 education institutions and school boards across Canada, all of whom are eligible to use the EduCanada brand.
CCIE Members:
- believe in the value of international education for Canada and Canadians;
- value a coordinated, holistic approach to international education that puts an emphasis on partnership;
- appreciate the value of two-way mobility, including the need for an increased focus on Canadian students seeking international experiences and competencies;
- wish to ensure that Canada’s efforts in the international education sector are as effective as possible and wish to work collaboratively with the federal government, as well as other governments and like-minded organizations around the world towards these objectives;
- believe the full engagement of the education sector is critical to achieving sustainable results and to facilitating transitions between the sub-sectors; and
- recognize the potential competitive advantages that can be achieved through collective action and cross-sector cooperation which encompasses the spectrum of Canada’s education system.
CCIE’s Objectives:
CCIE collaborates to provide leadership, coordination and added value to the international education sector by:
- Providing coordinated advocacy on policies and programs which support the growth of Canadian international education efforts;
- Providing a forum for cooperation between education associations and the federal government;
- Providing a forum for coordination on cross-Canada issues and initiatives with provincial governments and provincial/regional organizations that have a mandate in the area of international education;
- Providing a vehicle for communication and dialogue between different education sub-sectors (university, college, public school, language programs);
- Providing a forum for sharing relevant information, research, innovative practices and trends on an ongoing basis; and
- Providing a mechanism for CCIE- initiative implementation.
The Canada Course for Education Agents
This free online course is designed to equip education agents with comprehensive knowledge about Canadian education opportunities.
On behalf of CCIE, Languages Canada is licensed to deliver the Canada Course.
The Canada Course supports professional development for agents specializing in Canada as a study destination and is offered by ICEF, Languages Canada and the Canadian Association of Public Schools International (CAPS-I), with the support of the Canadian Consortium for International Education (CCIE).
Education agents who choose to write the Canada Course exam, and do so successfully, will be identified on a website so that families and institutions can determine who is knowledgeable about Canada’s education system. This is an important tool which will establish a professional foundation for providing the best level of service to an international student planning to study in Canada.