CBIE is pleased to announce the launch of Canada’s Education Abroad Lexicon.
The Lexicon comprises terms and definitions that we hope will be of use to educational institutions and governments in developing programs and in tracking participation in education abroad. We also hope that they will be adopted widely, leading to greater consistency in understanding of the types of education abroad and to statistical comparability.
The Lexicon was developed through a consultative process led by CBIE’s Education Abroad Advisory Committee (EAAC). This included a survey which received 120 detailed responses from a range of educational institutions across Canada. For the 20 terms included in the Lexicon, 75% or more respondents agreed to the proposed definitions. Five additional terms received feedback that the EAAC will review prior to adding them to the Lexicon. As we go forward, we will add to the Lexicon with a view to creating Canada’s comprehensive and authoritative vocabulary for education abroad.
CBIE wishes to extend its gratitude to the members of the EAAC for their excellent work on the Lexicon.
Visit the Lexicon at https://cbie.ca/who-we-are/institutional-resources/canadas-education-abroad-lexicon/.
CBIE welcomes your questions and feedback. Please contact Veronica Sanchez, Membership Manager, at vsanchez@cbie.ca.
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