It is common that Canadians who study abroad once catch the bug to go again and again. That could not be more true for one particular Dalhousie University student. Shelby Jamieson's #IEW2015 Video: My Life Abroad captures the incredible cultural and educational experiences she has had around the world as... read more →
How can I fit an international experience into my two year college diploma? More and more Canadian college students in two year diploma programs are understanding the value of adding an international experience to their portfolio. But how can a college student fit this in to an already jam-packed two... read more →
In 2013 Canadian student Mike Lukowski from Kwantlen Polytechnic University travelled to Valparaíso - one of the most colourful, artistic cities in South America. Here is the video of Mike creating Canadian student street art in Valparaíso - a great example of international education collaboration and opportunity!
Great reasons to study abroad this year We asked Canadian study-abroad alumni about the long-term value of their overseas experiences. Here are the 7 great reasons to study abroad they gave: What is your greatest reason to pursue education abroad this year? This infographic appeard in the Fall 2014 high... read more →
Here are my recommended 10 steps to prepare for #LearningAbroad! 10. Be informed and resourceful while studying abroad One way to keep yourself informed and resourceful is to engage with the international office at your home institution. They will provide you with answers to the questions that you may come... read more →