Ontario Regional Meeting

Thank you to our colleagues at this year’s host institution, Brock University, for their leadership and contribution to advancing international education in the province. 

About This Event

Brock University hosted CBIE’s 2024 Ontario Regional Meeting. This event focused on the future of international education through a series of sessions, roundtables and networking activities. 

CBIE would like to thank Brock University and each of the organizing committee members for their hard work. We would also like to thank the presenters and participants, as this event cannot be successful without your participation.

The 2024 CBIE regional meeting provided a great opportunity for colleagues to gather and have important conversations related to IE in a provincial context. The in-person format of the event enhanced engagement and connection within the sector. The event not only facilitated meaningful dialogue and collaboration among international education professionals but also underscored the importance of continued innovation and adaptation in the ever-evolving field of global education.

– Christina Bosilo, MA, Director, Brock International

Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors

Guard.Me International Insurance
World Eduction Services

Thank You to Our Organizing Committee

Anna Guo, Brock University
Carly Dugo, Brock University
Cecilia Garcia Vega, Brock University
Christina Bosilo, Brock University
Courtney Keogh, Brock University

Jessica Petrella, Brock University
Matthew Melnyk, Brock University
Marla Terreberry-Portfilio, Brock University
Sophie Jodouin, Canadian Bureau for International Education