Symposium en ligne 2020

ereVisionnez les vidéos du symposiumLe Bureau canadien de l’éducation internationale (BCEI) lance son premier symposium en ligne sous le thème « Réimaginer l’internationalisation dans le contexte de la Covid-19 ». Le symposium […]

2020 Online Symposium

Watch Symposium VideosThe Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) is launching its first online symposium with the theme of Re-imagining Internationalization in a Covid-19 World. The CBIE symposium will provide participants […]

Global Engagement Amid Global Uncertainty

Watch RecordingSession Overview Recent events have had and will continue to have, a major impact on how international offices carry out the important work of global engagement. How do we […]

Internationalization and the SDGs

Session Overview On behalf of the International Relations Professional Learning Community in Canada, we are pleased to welcome you to the Internationalization and the SDGs event. This gathering aims to […]