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Are You What You Measure? Developing Measures for International Mobility – An Experiential Workshop

5 octobre 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT


Join the ‘Measures’ working group within the Education Abroad Professional Learning Community (EA-PLC) as they share their combined experiences about all things data. Consider this as a gift of time to dust off your data and measures hat and play in a workshop sandbox. The desire is to immerse ourselves as practitioners and scholars in a pan-Canadian conversation on data in international mobility: what data we collect, why we collect it, and how we even start making sense of what data to begin with.

Through exercises, we’ll explore scoping, scalability and sustainability of data so that one doesn’t lose oneself in things that don’t directly matter to the significant question. Our desire is to facilitate an opportunity for skills development in using data effectively, leveraging the value of persuasive, evidence-based arguments, and taking informed risks.

We look forward to exploring the measures world together!

Webinar Agenda
1:00 – 1:05 Welcome and introduction
1:05 – 1:15 Review of best practices and use cases
1:15 – 1:20 Reflection: YOUR data journey
1:20 – 1:40 Workshop and small gr0up activity
1:40 – 1:55 Large group discussion
1:45 – 2:00 Q&A and wrap-up

Colin Kutchyera

Analyst, Lecturer and Ph.D. Student

Colin is a Ph.D. student in Educational Leadership and Policy, focusing on international education. As part of his current job, he manages graduate program admissions and operations, contributes to program development, cyclical review and accreditation reports, and measures and tracks student learning outcomes.

Jenny Corlett

Community Integration Liaison

Queen’s University

Jenny has worked at Queen’s University for 25 years, predominately in student mobility. Most recently, Jenny served as Director, Bader College Initiatives, Partnerships, and Liaison and was responsible for identifying, evaluating, and stewarding a diverse portfolio of initiatives and relationships between Bader College, (Queen’s UK campus), the Queen’s Kingston campus, and external partners. Jenny recently shifted to a new role as Community Integration Liaison to support the attraction, relocation and employment sustainability of top-talent employees to the Queen’s and Kingston community. Jenny strongly believes in evidence-informed planning and decision-making and is eager to share ideas and collaborate.

Mila Sokolyanskaya

Global Education Coordinator

Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

Mila has worked at Northern Alberta Institute of Technology for 2.5 years, most recently as a Global Education Coordinator. After career coaching diverse clients for almost seven years in non-profit and post-secondary sectors, she now develops a study abroad portfolio at NAIT so students engage with different cultures to enrich their careers. Mila has been a collaborative force in implementing NAIT’s recently-finalized Global Engagement Strategy and believes in the power of data-driven decisions.

Shabnam (Shay) Ivkovic

Director – International Strategic Initiatives

University of Waterloo

Shay leads the international strategy of Co-operative & Experiential Education at the University of Waterloo. She continues her long love affair with data, and you’ll find her dreaming up new ways to make intelligence out of information in the empty hours. Shay is equally passionate about making all things data more accessible to all. Data literacy is a superpower – and everyone should have it!


Date :
5 octobre 2023
Heure :
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT


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