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Best Practices in Recruiting International Students from Africa

23 août 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT


Session Overview

This session explores the findings of the recent Illume Student Advisory Services white paper on recruiting in Africa. It will explore the complexities encountered in Africa and provide strategies for personalization, differentiation, channel integration and stakeholder engagement.

Learning Objectives

Participants will learn the importance of and strategies to:

  1. Practice patience in the market
  2. Support the entire journey for African students
  3. Conduct proper research in the market
  4. Define their brand in the market
  5. Commit to diversity and inclusion
  6. Be a flexible institution that supports students
  7. Be responsive
  8. Use efficient processes to provide excellent support
  9. Make the most of a multi-channel strategy


Mike Henniger

Mike Henniger

Illume Student Advisory Services

Mike Henniger is Chief Executive Officer at Illume Student Advisory Services and is an international education professional who brings two decades of success and experience in the university, vocational and language training sectors.

Mike has helped education institutions across the globe build their international student recruitment capabilities. He is passionate about marketing, recruitment and student services and is a global thought leader in international education and a popular speaker at education conferences and institutions around the world.

Mike firmly believes that to be successful in international student recruitment, institutions need to understand global student mobility trends, the student journey, and how to provide the best possible experience for their students. He prides himself on providing practical assistance to the clients he works with that ultimately helps them achieve their internationalization goals.

Duarte Dias

Director of Global Sales and Student Recruitment
Illume Student Advisory Services

Duarte is a true recruitment specialist. He has managed global recruitment teams for nearly a decade. Duarte has a network of agent and school partners in Africa and manages the Illume team there. A frequent traveler to the continent, Duarte has personal relationships across Africa that allow him to constantly update his practices and approach to recruitment.


Date :
23 août 2023
Heure :
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT
Catégorie d’Évènement:


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