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Foundations of Intercultural Development

8 mai 2023 - 3 juillet 2023

Coût : Membres : $450 | Non-membres : $650 Add your Name to the Waitlist

Registration Deadline:  April 19, 2023

This course has been approved by CICC for 8 hours of CPD.
Looking for inspiration to revitalize your practice in the field of international education?  This online course will connect you with a community of learning focused on building intercultural engagement skills, developing cultural awareness, and empowering participants in equitable and inclusive practices.

The landscape of Canadian post-secondary education has shifted dramatically in the past decade with increased internationalization efforts alongside the Calls to Action (2015) from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. Recently, these dynamics have been intensified and complicated even further. As faculty and staff in the midst of this ever-changing landscape, it is critical that we engage in our own intercultural development so that we might model the behaviours we wish to promote on our campuses.

The course design is visually based and makes use of infographics and videos, without requirements for lengthy reading. At the same time, the course is based on academic theories and models that are available for sharing. The delivery is asynchronous, so you can log in when you have the time, no matter which time zone you are participating in. While the course is designed as an introduction to intercultural and reconciliation issues, participating in it will not only engage you in your own development but also connect you to a community of like-minded learners from across Canada who may continue this work together.

  • Increase your awareness as to how your cultural influences can affect your intercultural interactions in the workplace and beyond.
  • Respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action by understanding some of the impacts of colonialism on Indigenous Peoples and cultures in Canada
  • Strategize on how to address power, privilege, and microaggressions in work environments
  • Increase EDI and intercultural self-awareness through reflective practices
  • Eight-week, asynchronous, online course
  • Approximately 2 hours of work per week
  • Modules will be released on Mondays
  • Two assignments a week that are graded complete/incomplete
  • Certificate of completion awarded to participants who complete the course
COURSE OVERVIEW (subject to change without notice)

Module 1: Getting Started

  • Why is this important?
  • How to approach the work
  • Intercultural Development and Definitions
  • Permission to Bring Your Whole Self

Module 2: The Foundation

  • Very Brief History of International Education
  • Culture and Communication
  • Influences on Intercultural Interactions
  • Communication Styles

Module 3: Challenges in Intercultural Development

  • Emotional Intelligence and in Intercultural Interactions
  • The Stories We Don’t Want to Tell
  • Socialization & Identity
  • Racism & Intersectionality
  • Power & Privilege

Module 4: Uncomfortable Truths and Uncertainty in Intercultural Development

  • Standing Alongside Each Other
  • Microaggressions
  • Truth Telling
  • Being Uncertain

Module 5: Strategies for your Intercultural Development

  • Stress and Mindfulness
  • Strategies for Stress Management
  • Resilience in Reconciliation

Module 6: Going Forward

  • Life-long Learning
  • Going Forward, Looking Back: Reflection of Learning


Début :
8 mai 2023
Fin :
3 juillet 2023
Catégories d’Évènement:
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Cost: Members
Cost: Non-Members
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