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All About Study Plans: What they are, how to provide supporting documents, and what to include within the context of an initial study permit application

23 mars 2022 - 6 avril 2022

Coût : Membres : $150 | Non-membres : $300 Purchase Recordings

This webinar series has been approved by CICC for 4 hours of CPD. 

Participants must attend both sessions to claim the 4 hours of CPD.

Session Overview

As the number of students interested in gaining a Canadian education has grown and as their profile has become more and more diversified, IRCC has required that more and more applicants include a Study plan as well as the relevant supporting documents as parts of their initial study permit application. But what does IRCC means by Study Plan? What information should be provided in it? How should it be presented? What is the ideal length? Which supporting documents are relevant and which ones are not? How many supporting documents should be included to prove your bona fides without burdening the decision-maker? Who actually reads our students’ study plans? Every professional who works with international students has come across these questions. This two parts webinar aims to answer them and to help you deepen your understanding of IRCC’s requirements regarding the Study Plan and what you can do to help your students meet them.

Part I:

In the first part, we will look at the information IRCC provides on this specific requirement and for which country is it required. We will also look at what happens once an application has been submitted; which tools (Chinook, AI, etc.) has IRCC put in place to assist its decision-makers in assessing these applications (that have grown both more complex and more numerous).  We will also review the recent Jurisprudence on the subject and how what the Federal Court has said can help us assist our students.  We will conclude the first part by going over the remedies available for students who have faced single or multiple refusals.

NOTE: Participants will be able to view the recording of this session if they are unable to join the live webinar or if they purchase the series after March 23.

Part II:

In the second part, we will put our new knowledge of IRCC system and requirements to use and devise strategies and tools to best help our students write a convincing study plan and choose which supporting documents should be added to their application. Through case studies and group activities, we will look at different scenarios (mature students, ESL, Dual intent, multiple refusals, Student Direct Stream, etc.) and work on the best angle and balance for each case.

Learning Objectives

  • Advise students on what information should be included in their study plan and how it should be presented.
  • Advise students on the appropriate supporting documents to include.
  • Understand how IRCC is evaluating the Study Plan and the supporting documents.
  • Determine when after a refusal it is appropriate to refer students to legal counsel to seek remedy.
  • Prepare an institutional strategy and the relevant material on how to advise their incoming students on the initial study permit application.

Webinar Agenda


Part 1 – Wednesday,  March 23, 2022

1:00 – 1:05

1:05 – 1:35

1:35 – 1:55

1:55 – 2:15

2:15 – 2:30

2:30 – 2:50

2:50 – 3:00

Welcome and introduction (CBIE)

Topic 1 –  What is a Study Plan? What Supporting Documents?

Topic 2 – IRCC’s Assessment of Study Plans Within an initial Study Permit Application

Topic 3 – Jurisprudence. What the Federal Court says on the matter

Topic 4 – Refusals and Remedies

Q&A and discussion

Concluding remarks (CBIE and presenters)

Part 2 – Wednesday, April 6, 2022

1:00 – 1:05

1:05 – 1:35

1:35 – 2:00

2:00 – 2:25

2:25 – 2:50

2:50 – 3:00

Welcome and introduction (CBIE)

Topic 1 – Group Activity – Draft a Study Plan portion (in teams)

Topic 2 –  Officer Assessment (Mock), Review of Best Practices

Topic 3 – Discussion on Institutional Implementation

Q&A and discussion

Concluding remarks (CBIE and presenters)


Patrick Bissonnette

Conseiller aux étudiants étrangers

Université Laval     

Patrick Bissonnette is passionate about immigration, international education, and intercultural understanding and is involved in the field for almost 20 years. He is an RCIC and since 2006 an International Students Advisor at Université Laval in Quebec City. Patrick is also a member of CBIE Immigration advisory committee and since 2017 teaches the PEIEI (French ISIEP program). Patrick is also an occasional guest speaker for the ISIEP and has presented several workshops on immigration in the past.

Will Tao

Founder/Principal; IAC Honourary Member

Heron Law Offices

Will Tao is a Canadian Immigration and Refugee Lawyer. He co-founded Heron Law Offices in 2021 and provides legal services in all areas of Canadian immigration and refugee law with a particular focus on complex refusals, appeals, and judicial reviews of international students, family class, and foreign worker-related applications. He won the Canadian Bar Association (CBA) Immigration Section Founders’ Award for his accomplishments in his first five years of practice (2020) and won the CBA Immigration’s Volunteer Recognition Award (co-winner) for his work with the Section’s Anti-Racism Committee (2021). He has been Best Lawyers-listed since 2017.


Début :
23 mars 2022
Fin :
6 avril 2022
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